Real Estate, planning and regeneration

Our team of experts are the first port of call for many local authority in-house legal representatives when faced with major real estate, planning and regeneration schemes.

Our planning, real estate and procurement solicitors work very closely with the in-house lawyers to ensure they fully understand the political and commercial drivers for each project.

We can lead and pull together a very experienced team to provide a comprehensive service and deliver positive results within set timescales.

We advise on a full range of real estate and regeneration projects: combining new build and refurbishment, private housing, right to buy and community use areas, estate finance including many formal joint ventures with the private sector.

Fundamentally, we see our key role as using our knowledge and expertise to identify ways to ensure each project is successful, draws on best practice, innovates and becomes an exemplar for other projects.

Sharpe Pritchard’s regeneration team has been at the forefront of a number of important schemes in London and across the UK.

Our regeneration team includes experts in compulsory purchase, site assembly, procurement, development agreements, construction, planning, Section 106 agreements, leaseholder issues and corporate and commercial law.

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  • Ram Brewery Site – an important regeneration scheme within the Wandsworth Town area, including major transport and public realm benefits.
  • Aylesbury Vale District Council – Town Centre Redevelopment. A high profile and strategic redevelopment across a significant area of the town centre for a mixed use scheme.
  • LB Enfield – Regeneration of Ladderswood Estate to include affordable and private housing, the provision of a new community facility, commercial units and a hotel.
  • North West Cambridge University Site – advising Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire County Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.
  • Advising a London Borough on screening and scoping opinions in relation to a development.
  • Acting for a London local authority on a potential judicial review challenge against the grant of planning permission for a major scheme- the challenge, on EIA grounds, was settled in negotiations.

Go Green

Read more here on how our team can support green goals

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Key contacts:

Partner, Head of Real Estate and Regeneration

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Real Estate, planning and regeneration

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