Bernadette Hillman

020 7405 4600
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Bernadette Hillman provides robust and straightforward advice in a very clear, concise and timely manner. We know that we will get legal drafting which works for us commercially.

Legal 500 2023

I am a Planning and Licensing solicitor with thirty years’ experience working as a lawyer and a planner in London and the regions, in private practice and in-house.

I offer specialist advice on all aspects of planning, environmental and licensing law.

I have a wide-ranging planning practice, contentious and non-contentious, dealing with mixed use retail/leisure, Housing, Heritage assets, Green Belt, Village Greens, Assets of Community Value, Rights of Light issues, in the London Boroughs, Central London and the surrounding Counties.

I negotiate Planning Agreements and conducts Planning Appeal, Judicial reviews and Statutory Challenges in the High Court and Court of Appeal, and defences to Enforcement and Listed Building Prosecutions.

I am an active networker, member of many industry bodies and lectures regularly on planning law topics to clients, surveyors, planning consultants, planning councillors and developers.


I am the Honorary Secretary and Solicitor to the Royal Town Planning Institute and was voted a “Woman of Influence” in Planner Magazine’s list for 2017, 2018 and 2020. I am also a member of the Law Society’s Planning and Environmental Law Committee