Under the National Planning Policy Framework 2021, the planning system’s purpose is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development by meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
One of the overarching objectives of the planning system is the environmental objective to protect and enhance the natural, built, and historic environment improving biodiversity, minimising waste and pollution and mitigating/adapting to climate change.
This can be achieved at all stages throughout the planning process and Sharpe Pritchard’s planning team are here to help.
Local planning authorities (LPAs)
Through plan-making and decision-making, LPAs can achieve sustainable objectives, protecting and enhancing the local environment.
We have experience advising LPA clients on the development of local plan policies and in interpreting and applying national, London Plan, and local policies to decisions. For example, we have advised London clients as to how to apply updated London Plan policies relating to carbon neutrality.
Development should be designed to enable and support healthy lifestyles, e.g. through providing safe and accessible green infrastructure, allotments, and layouts that encourage walking and cycling. It should be designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ensure biodiversity net gain.
The Planning team advises clients at early stages to ensure developments are designed with these principles in mind and to be policy compliant. We have experience assisting our clients in putting forward schemes which go beyond the bare minimum for example incorporating innovative renewable energy systems.
Third Parties
Third parties (e.g. landowners/non-statutory bodies) can also take action, e.g. making land available for Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) or for biodiversity mitigation.
Our Planning team have advised clients on methods to secure the delivery of SANG, including agreements with the Land Trust, and have recently advised a landowner in respect of an an innovative nitrogen credits scheme as a way to unlock development in the local area.
For more information, please get in touch with us.
Check out our Green Glossary for the Planning sector here and the Property sector here.