Local government

Our understanding of economic and political challenges, people, place and public law means that we are uniquely placed to advise local government bodies – helping them to achieve practical solutions whilst minimising risk. Our reputation as the ‘go to’ firm for local authorities has its roots in our long-standing, close association with the public sector and our specialism in public law.

We work with local authorities across the UK and are appointed on all the major local government and public sector panels.

We advise on all areas relevant to local government work, including:

  • Local authority governance and vires
  • Judicial review
  • Statutory appeals
  • Contracts and procurement
  • IT and data
  • Construction
  • Planning
  • Property
  • Dispute resolution
  • Leisure projects

Our team members advise on infrastructure projects, construction contracts, major regeneration projects, shared services arrangements, outsourcing and procurement projects. We are known for our innovative approach. We ensure that the objectives of a project are placed at the heart of the transaction and see the law as a tool for achieving them, rather than a hurdle.

We support local authorities on real estate work, planning law, social housing, construction projects and disputes ranging from a housing claim through to a judicial review.

Our administrative law team has an unrivalled reputation for acting for parties in judicial reviews, injunctions, and statutory reviews and appeals.

Our technology and data team advise on the full range of information law including ICT outsourcing, the procurement of hardware and software and, in relation to data protection, freedom of information and privacy.

We are one of a few firms that also provides parliamentary agency services and advice on electoral law.

  • We successfully acted for Hammersmith & Fulham LB in the first case in the UK on the Concession Contracts Regulations 2016 Ocean Outdoor UK Ltd v Hammersmith & Fulham LB [2019].
  • Advising Hertfordshire County Council on its £2bn joint venture project for the development of surplus land assets.
  • Promoting all London Local Authorities Acts for the London Boroughs (inc. bills promoted jointly with TfL), which included important provisions, a number of which have been taken up by the government on a national basis.
  • Advising local authority on its participation / funding of a company to deliver improved broadband/Wi-Fi and a JV company to redevelop part of the town in its area – emphasis on state aid and competition law.
  • We have acted for local authorities across the country to advise on the delivery of significant and complex projects, including town centre regeneration projects, waste management schemes, transport and highways projects, education projects, construction projects, IT and data projects, leisure and other social infrastructure projects.

Going Green

It is vital for the legal industry to support the environmental agenda. Our specialist teams are finding more and more ways to support our clients green goals and obligations. Visit our green goals page for more details on how we can achieve green aims both for our clients in the work we do as well as a business and employer.

Key contacts:

Legal Director and Head of Local Government
Senior Associate

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