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Energy Efficiency

16 March @ 10:00 am11:00 am

Many local authorities are rolling out frameworks, approved lists and grant schemes for energy efficiency works to homes – everything from insulation to heat pumps. There are lots of approaches out there in the market and we will talk through some of the opportunities and some of the risks and challenges too.

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20 April @ 10:00 am11:00 am

All too often local authority energy projects focus on renewable infrastructure. However very little is done in respect of biodiversity projects. By this we mean rewilding areas or exploring carbon neutral crops. We have seen some truly innovative ideas emerging from the private sector and consider that local authorities could explore these

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Energy Efficiency as Part of Local Government Decarbonisation Plans

Energy Efficiency as Part of Local Government Decarbonisation Plans

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Local authorities continue to strive towards their net zero targets, but there can be no doubt that progress is stronger in some areas than others. One particular ‘Cinderella’ area is energy efficiency, but this is rapidly rising up the agenda due to the energy crisis and rocketing costs for householders and business premises.

There are problems everywhere

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Nature England – Green Infrastructure Framework

On 2 February 2023, Natural England published the Green Infrastructure Framework (“the Framework”), a new tool to help towns and cities turn greener. The Framework is intended for use by local planning authorities (“LPAs”) and developers and seeks to increase the amount of green cover in urban residential areas in light of national policy requirements contained

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