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Sharpe Pritchard Launches R-EV-OLUTION Blog as Part of Earth Week Celebrations, Providing Guidance on Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure for Local Authorities

To celebrate Earth Week and to showcase its commitment to sustainability and a greener future, Sharpe Pritchard, the leading firm of public law specialists, is proud to announce the launch of its new R-EV-OLUTION blog.

The blog, spearheaded by environmental and infrastructure expert Ellen Painter, will serve as a valuable resource for local authorities, offering comprehensive guidance on the opportunities

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A guide for local authorities on EV charging infrastructure

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Public law specialists Sharpe Pritchard break down the opportunities and challenges for local authorities in the widespread roll out of public EV charging infrastructure.

Part 1: Why public EV charging infrastructure is a local authority priority

Welcome to the first instalment of our newest series, the R-EV-OLUTION, in which we will be tackling the key questions facing local

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The Importance of Biodiversity as Part of Local Authority Climate Change Strategies and the Introduction of Mandatory Biodveristy Net Gain

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In climate change there is often a tendency to focus heavily on the energy elements (energy use, energy efficiency and renewable energy) but true sustainability goes much wider. Indeed, it is now recognised that the triumvirate of climate change, biodiversity, and air quality are all inextricably linked. This is important in policy terms, as it is vital

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15 June@ 10:00 am11:00 am

Hydrogen is working its way ever further up the agenda for local authority renewable projects. Whether in transport – where we are seeing hydrogen bus projects. Or as a substitute for gas. There are huge opportunities at present in the hydrogen space and it is important to leverage innovations from the private sector

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