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Court of Appeal confirms Natural England’s right to seek injunction as an incidental power

In a decision issued this month, the Court of Appeal in Natural England v Cooper[1] ruled that Natural England (“NE”) has the power (and standing) to obtain injunctions to secure compliance with regulations that govern the use of uncultivated land.

The regulations concerned are the Environmental Impact Assessment (Agriculture) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2006 (SI 2006 No.

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Abandoning a Procurement – Is it time to jump ship?

At a glance

Recent decisions, including by Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, highlight contracting authorities (‘CAs’) ability to abandon a procurement process where appropriate.

Here the CA decided to withdraw a £65 million pound contract award after legal action was commenced by an unsuccessful bidder. This is not the first time the courts have

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New government consultation on the phasing-out of petrol and diesel cars for 2030: Comments and observations

On 24 December 2024, the UK government Department for Transport (“the DfT”) commenced a new “fast-track” consultation titled ‘Phasing out the sale of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 and Support for the Zero Emission Transition’ (“the Consultation”).

The Consultation is “open”, meaning that any individual or organisation may respond to it by completing and

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Key updates to the Administrative Court Guide

The Administrative Court Guide (“Guide“) provides detailed guidance on judicial review proceedings in the Administrative Court, summarising relevant case law, the Civil Procedure Rules (“CPR“), and supporting practice directions. Whilst the Guide does not have legal force, it is “required reading” for all involved in judicial review proceedings. The Guide is now in its ninth edition

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Dear Government – It’s time to get innovative about means of public investment

There are several subsidy mechanisms available to the UK Government, as outlined below, that are designed to address various barriers to investment and innovation in the manufacturing sector. These are able to provide both direct or indirect support to enhance competitiveness and drive technological processes and should be means the UK Government is considering soon.

Green Bonds and Climate Bonds

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The Procurement Act 2023 (Commencement No. 3) Regulations 2024 – Transitional and Saving Provisions

The Procurement Act 2023 (Commencement No.3 and Transitional and Saving Provisions) Regulations 2024 (the “Regulations”) were published on 30 May 2024, having been made on 22 May 2024, alongside the Procurement Regulations 2024 – please see our separate article on these here .

The following article sets out a summary of some of the key provisions of those

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