Welsh Government, Cardiff International Airport Limited

  • Proposal to award a subsidy to Cardiff International Airport (the Airport) in the form of an investment package of up to around £205 million of a ten-year period. The Airport is owned by the Welsh Government at arm’s length via a holding company, WGC Holdco Ltd (WGC Holdco).
  • Our key takeaways from the Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) report are:
    • In general, ensure all statements that underpin the assessment are supported by objective and verifiable evidence, and that supporting evidence is correctly referenced.
    • Be clear on what is the most likely counterfactual and provide appropriate evidence to support this (e.g. financial projections and internal documentation from the beneficiary of the subsidy).
    • Provide evidence to support the conclusion that all costs covered by the subsidy are additional and would not have been funded otherwise.
    • Provide additional explanation and supporting evidence to show the subsidy is proportionate to its policy objective.
    • Systematically set out and evidence potential competition and investment impacts, drawing on the relevant parts of the Statutory Guidance.

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