Office for Life Sciences, Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund

  • The Scheme will provide £520 million in capital grants for investments in the manufacture of human medicines, medical diagnostics and medical technology products in the UK between the financial years 2025/26 – 2029/30.
  • Our key takeaways from the Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) report are:
    • Reports should focus on strategic areas where the Scheme is most likely to operate to better demonstrate market failures and equity objectives and to assess the overall impact of the Scheme.
    • If a level of grant cap is set, the reasoning behind this level should be clearly explained.
    • A systematic approach should be taken to the balancing exercise, and it should be ensured that this exercise is undertaken at a Scheme level.
    • Any policy objectives should be framed to align with the content of the Assessment and any supporting evidence.
    • Where particular type and scale of manufacturing projects is needed to incentivise beneficiaries to expand their capacity/capabilities this should be fully explained.
    • Where the Scheme builds on previous schemes, the Assessment should look at evidence of the competitive impacts from previous competitions to demonstrate how the process worked previously (including case studies on market distortions).

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Posted in Subsidy Advice Report Tracker.