Arts Council England, Extension Awards over £1 million

  • This subsidy scheme is given in relation to the Extension Awards over £1 million subsidy scheme. Under this £2bn scheme, Arts Council England (ACE) intends to provide extensions to existing funding agreements between 2023 and 2026, providing support for the sector to deliver ACE’s ten-year strategy, Let’s Create.
  • Our key takeaways from the Subsidy Advice Unit (SAU) report are:
    • Assessments should explain in detail how the subsidy or subsidy scheme targets equity objectives defined (i.e. not just an explanation of what the equity objective is, but how that objective is targeted by the subsidy in question).
    • When discussing effects on competition, assessments should clearly set out the main relevant affected markets, the main categories and scope of organisations with which the funded organisations compete in these markets and the potential impact of the subsidy or subsidy scheme on these organisations. This should analysis should be supported by up to date evidence.

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Posted in Subsidy Advice Report Tracker.