Nadia Biles Davies

Chief Operating Officer
020 7405 4600
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Practice areas:

Sector experience:

Nadia is the firm’s Chief Operating Officer. She works with the senior leadership team to put into effect strategic people, operations and marketing  initiatives to meet the key aims of the business.

Nadia ensures the effective and efficient alignment of all core functions including HR, teams, business support and client service as well as internal and external communications, policies and process.

Following a successful career as a practising solicitor and law firm partner, Nadia uses her understanding of lawyers and law firms in practice to work with both legal and non legal teams to drive operational excellence. She has a track record of success in driving business growth and success together with award winning strategic marketing initiatives. Along the way, she has also completed the CIPD diploma in human resource management. Nadia is also a professional executive coach.

Nadia is a former vice chair of the Law Management Section of the Law Society (now Leadership and Management Section), stepping down in 2023 after serving her maximum term.


The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development