Lorraine – I cannot thank you enough – you have perfectly distilled my ramblings and captured exactly what we wanted to achieve. Thank you.
Local Authority Project Manager at Metropolitan Council
Practice areas:
Prior to joining Sharpe Pritchard, Lorraine worked as an in-house solicitor for a local authority, experience that has provided her with an in-depth knowledge of how public bodies operate and the complex governance and constitutional implications that arise from this.
Lorraine has substantive knowledge of EU public procurement and commercial contracts across the public sector and covering a diverse range of scenarios and services including outsourcing, insourcing, setting up trading companies, establishing and working with shared services and advising on associated governance and TUPE issues.
Lorraine’s experience in the public sector ensures she understands the pressures and challenges faced by public bodies on a daily basis, meaning her outcomes are always achieved within allotted deadlines. She combines her detailed understanding of her client base with her extensive experience of procurement and commercial issues to develop pragmatic and commercially-minded solutions to clients’ problems. Whilst Lorraine endeavours to resolve potential issues before they arise, her experience of working in the public sector tells her that at times things can go wrong. Whether providing proactive or reactive guidance, Lorraine has an ability to break down complex issues to ensure clients can easily understand and apply her advice.
Lorraine has experience of the entire spectrum of public sector procurements and projects ranging from advising on procurement strategy and documents for complex multi-lot and/or multi-authority frameworks to advising on procurements of contracts for school meals, library services, domiciliary care, parking enforcement, building and window cleaning, refuse collection, IT software and a multitude of services for Public Health, Children’s Services and Adult Services.
She regularly provides the advice and documentation required to set up controlled companies and outsourcing services to them and entering into shared service or partnership arrangements.
Case highlights
- Since joining Sharpe Pritchard in August 2019, Lorraine has drafted a multi-party framework involving CCGs, an NHS Trust and a number of local authorities to provide each with Community Equipment.
- Advising a Central Government department on the procurement process, associated procurement documents, PCGs and subsequent pre-priced variations for a complex high value suite of procurements involving an IT contract, surveying services and a quality management consultant.
- Drafting a Strategic Partnership Agreement involving a local authority and a private sector partner and forming part of a suite of documents being used in a competitive dialogue procurement.
- Advising a local authority on the support services that can be transferred to a charitable company to whom it has outsourced a service and drafting the associated contract.
- Advising the Education and Skills Funding Agency on the procurement of over 700 training providers to deliver apprenticeship training services, including complex advice on the award decision notices.
- Advising various Central Government departments on commercial contract issues, including termination for breach of terms and ability to vary contracts due to issues arising from the Covid 19 pandemic.
- Advising a local authority on a complex 10 lot procurement using the competitive procedure with negotiation, including advising during negotiation meetings and assisting with issues logs, drafting Award Decision Notices and advising on queries raised by bidders during and after the procurement.