Justin Mendelle – My Favourite Building

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What is it?

Natural History Museum

Do you think that’s an obvious choice – or do you reckon it’s a hidden gem?

Pretty obvious I think!

Can you tell us a little about its history?

Rather embarrassingly, not really! I refer you to Wikipedia for the facts, but really, you need to see it to believe it.

What about your history with the building – what was your first memory of it?

My history with it stretches back to early adulthood, when I visited on my own and suddenly saw it with fresh eyes. Unlike my first memory of it (which is lost to the ages), that memory is crystal clear – as if I’d stumbled upon a vast, undiscovered castle, in the heart of London.

Is it the inside or outside that does it for you?

Almost uniquely, and perhaps the reason I love it so much, is that it’s both. To be corny for a second – the glory of the exterior is matched by the majesty of the interior. A true masterpiece.

How do you think the lawyers felt about it?

Relieved that it’s built and still standing, not having to worry about any latent defects and, for the construction lawyers out there, delighted that subcontractor warranties are no longer required!

Nothing’s perfect though, is there anything you would change about it?

I’d like to see much more of it open to the public – so many hidden gems within this obvious choice.

Do you think it will last?

It’s doing ok so far, I’m going to venture a yes.

Have you got any others to tick off?

Too many to mention! The Treasury at Petra, The Guggenheim Bilbao and all of the Niemeyer buildings in Brasilia, to name just three.

Posted in Our Favourite Buildings.