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The Queen’s Speech in Brief

The Government’s legislative programme for 2022-23 was set out in the Queen’s Speech on 11 May. The number of Bills which relate to our specialist practice areas and which affect our public sector clients is greater than usual – and the government have got straight off the starting blocks by publishing some of them already. Each Bill is outlined in

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Refurbishment and Retrofitting: In with the old, out with the new!

Finding ways to decarbonise the construction sector represents a huge challenge for policymakers and stakeholders.

Even as buildings become more energy-efficient to maintain and power, vast amounts of carbon are usually emitted during the manufacture of components and the construction of new buildings.

These emissions – known in the industry as ‘embodied carbon’ – occur before a building is even

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Nitrogen Credits Commentary

Under the Habitats Regulations 2017, if a local planning authority is required to carry out a habitats “appropriate assessment” for a development, it can only grant planning permission for the development where there is no likelihood of a significant adverse effect on any European designated nature conservation site (unless certain circumstances apply). High levels of nitrates in various areas of

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The Cost of Freedom of Information – The Council’s Failure to Advise

Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (“FOIA”), a public authority can refuse an entire request if it would cost too much or would take too much staff time to deal with the request. Currently, the cost limit for complying with a request or a linked series of requests from the same person or group is set at £600 for

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