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Marcic reimagined

The Manchester Ship Canal Company Ltd (Appellant) v United Utilities Water Ltd (Respondent) No 2 – Marcic reimagined – The scope for nuisance claims being brought against water companies has just been expanded and not necessarily clarified.

Earlier this month, the Supreme Court issued a judgment which has the potential to be a watershed moment for the sewerage industry. The

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Delivering Major Solar Installations

How do you deliver major solar installations?

In the third episode of ‘making solar simpler’ the green steves pose this very question to guest Peter Walker, Associate Consultant at Apse Energy. Peter has been heavily involved in solar development and storage projects across the UK; including the first local authority solar project back in 2009/2010. They explore the practical issues

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Heat Networks Consumer Protection Consultation

The landscape of heat network operations in the UK is set to undergo significant changes. On 30th April 2024 the Government published its response with Ofgem on consumer protection requirements for heat networks.

New regulations have been promised by the Government in the next year and are expected to cover consumer protections for homes served by heat networks to

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Solar as part of a Net Zero strategy in local government

In the second episode of our ‘Making Solar Simpler’ podcast,  the Green Steves are joined by Katie Sargent, the Greener Future Group Manager for Surrey County Council. With decades of experience in sustainability and environmental roles, Katie is at the forefront of Surrey’s efforts to combat climate change. Tune in as they delve into the critical role of Solar PV

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Avoid pre-election panic – How to navigate “purdah” as a local authority

Following the prime minister’s announcement that a general election will take place on 4 July, Steve Gummer and Beth Edwards provide an outline on what this means for local authorities.

What is the pre-election period?

The pre-election period of heightened sensitivity (also known simply as the “pre-election period” and previously known as “purdah”) is the period which occurs in the

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