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In this second article, Rob Hann, (Head of Local Government at Sharpe Pritchard) sets out some lessons from the development of the PFI investment programme which Labour rolled out between 1997 and 2010 which might help a new local government investment programme as Sir Keir Starmer’s led Government takes power following the 2024 General Election.
In my last article I
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Rob Hann, (Head of Local Government at Sharpe Pritchard) looks back at the local government PFI investment programme rolled out between 1997 and 2010 under the successive Blair/Brown led Labour administrations and explores whether there are lessons to be learned for any new local government investment programme as Sir Keir Starmer’s led Labour Government takes power following the 2024
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Rob Hann, (Head of Local Government at Sharpe Pritchard) sets out his views as to what can yet be done to help local authorities as they seek to manage the transition from PFI to new contractual arrangements.
Rob has unique insight as to how the PFI investment programme for local government was successfully delivered from zero projects
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In Hard Times, Charles Dickens – rarely considered an environmentalist – described Victorian London as an “ugly Citadel, where Nature was as strongly bricked out as killing airs and gases were bricked in[1]”. Even before the invention of cars, noxious emissions in Victorian London were up to fifty times higher than in the decade after the
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The Government published its Post- Brexit Green Paper ‘Transforming Public Procurement’ on 15th December 2020 (as previously reported on our website), the stated policy aims being:
“To provide the UK with a modern, fit-for-purpose set of rules, to minimize the bureaucratic burden for contacting authorities and businesses, facilitate innovation and the participation of SMEs, and improve the
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